I need to make changes to many tasks. Is there a way to bulk update tasks?
Yes, Forecast allows bulk task updating from Scoping.
To access the bulk task actions menu
- Open your project and navigate to Scoping.
- Select the tasks you wish to bulk action by ticking the box next to each task ID in the task's row. To select a range of tasks, click the tick box for a task, then press/hold shift and click the tick box for a task below the original task selected. Both first and last tasks will be selected as well as all tasks in between the selections. If any subtasks exist within this range, they will also be selected using the shift+hold option.
- The bulk task actions menu will appear across the bottom of the page.
- Select Automate to assign roles or people to the selected tasks.
- Select Bulk Task Update and complete the form with the required changes.
- Update or remove all task estimates on the selected tasks.
- Update or remove all task dates on the selected tasks.
- Add or remove all task labels on the selected tasks.
- Assign or remove all roles assigned on the selected tasks.
- Assign or remove all people assigned on the selected tasks.
- Approve tasks.
- Click update to save and commit the changes to the selected tasks.
- Select Move Tasks to move the selected tasks to another status, another sprint, another phase or another project.
- Select Delete to delete the tasks. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion as the action is final and cannot be undone.
- If no action is needed, to close the Bulk Task Actions menu, click the 'X'.
For additional information about tasks, check out About tasks and how they work.
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