If you have tasks that depend on each other to be completed, it is possible to use Task Dependencies. Dependencies can be described as the relationships between tasks, which determines the order in which activities need to be carried out.
This article covers:
How dependencies work
The two types of dependencies users can choose from in Forecast are:
- Finish to Start: in this case the Predecessor Task must be Finished before a Successor Task can be Started.
- Finish to Finish: in this case the Predecessor Task must be Finished before a Successor Task can be Finished.
Adding task dependencies
Dependencies can be set up from within a task, in project Timeline or All Timelines.
Adding a dependency directly from a task
- Select a task.
- Click the three-dots icon in the upper right corner of the task modal.
- Click Add Dependencies section.
- A Dependencies field will appear in the area below the Description field.
- Select a Predecessor Task.
- Set the current task to either Start or to Finish.
- Click Add.
- Set the Successor Task to either Start or Finish.
- Select the Successor Task.
- Click Add.
Adding a dependency from the Timeline
- Click on Projects from the top bar.
- Select All Projects from the dropdown.
- Select your project.
- In the left side panel, click Timeline.
- Select a task.
- Hover over it until the plug icon appears.
- Click and drag the plug icon to another task to establish the dependency.
Editing dependencies
To edit a dependency from within the task modal
- Open up the task modal.
- Hover over the desired dependency.
- Click on the three-dots icon to prompt the dependency menu.
- Select Edit Dependency.
Deleting dependencies
To delete a dependency from within the task modal
- Open up the task modal.
- Hover over the desired dependency.
- Click on the three-dots icon to prompt the dependency menu.
- Select Delete Dependency.
To delete a dependency from within project Timeline or All Timelines
Within project Timeline or All Timelines, find the task where the dependency needs to be deleted.
- Right-click on the task.
- Select the dependency to delete from the menu.
- The dependency will immediately be removed.
Managing tasks with dependencies
It is possible for task dates to change over the lifetime of a project. With dependency chain lock, tasks with dependencies can be moved together while maintaining their position relevant to each other and the project, or they can be moved individually and the change applies only to the single task. All other tasks in the dependency chain retain their original position. Dependency chain lock provides both options and is available within project Timeline and All Timelines.
Dependency chain lock
To enable dependency chain lock
- Open All Timelines or go to Timeline within any project.
- At the top left of the page, click the file menu icon.
- The icon will turn purple indicating the lock is enabled.
- Hover over any task within a dependency chain.
- The entire task dependency chain will be outlined in purple.
- Click on any task within the chain and hold, then drag the chain to the new dates.
- All tasks move together. Task dates are updated and tasks retain their position relative to each other within the project.
To disable dependency chain lock
- Click the purple shaded file menu icon to disable the dependency chain lock.
- Click, hold and drag any task within the dependency chain.
- The task moves independently from the others and the changes impact only that task.
- The task's position relative to the other tasks changes to reflect the new date.
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