After creating a dashboard, you can customize it using any of the options visible in the Dashboard header.
This article covers the following sections:
- Add widgets
- Add text
- Adding Dashboard columns
- Changing Color palette
- Adding widget titles
- Moving a widget on the Dashboard
- Placing widgets side by side
- Distributing widgets equally in a row
- Resizing widgets
- Switch View Mode
Add Widgets
Click on the '+ Widgets' button on the header of the dashboard to add or create a new widget that should be visible in your dashboard. For details about creating widgets, see Adding and Managing your Advanced Analytics Widgets.
Add Text
It is possible to add a text widget to your dashboard and you can edit its formatting, through the customization options appearing as a pop-up.
Adding Dashboard Columns
To add a dashboard column navigate to the dashboard's top menu bar and click on the 3 dots on the right-hand side and select Columns. You can divide your dashboard up to 4 separate columns and are able to drag and drop your widgets between them.
Changing Color palette
The color palette of your dashboard can easily be changed to better suit your need. Besides the default color schemes, you can also choose 'Color Blind' palettes which are most suitable for users who suffer color deficiencies.
To change the color palette:
- Click the brush icon in the top menu
- Select the your preferred color scheme.
Adding widget titles
You can add and update titles to your widgets in the dashboard view.
To add a widget title:
- Click Add Title in the top left-hand corner of the widget to add a new title.
- Add a title to your widget when adding it to the dashboard.
- Make sure to click the green checkmark to save your changes.
To edit a widget title:
- Edit an existing title by clicking on an existing one and type in the new one. You can also click on the widget three-dots vertical menu and select Rename.
- Make sure to click the green checkmark to save your changes.
Moving a widget on the Dashboard
It is possible to rearrange the order of your widgets or to move in between columns.
Navigate to the top menu bar of the widget you'd like to move and simply click on it to drag and drop.
Placing widgets side by side
You can place your widgets side by side by either:
- Placing each widget in a different column.
- Dragging one widget on top of another, placing them side by side within the same column.
Distributing widgets equally in a row
Allows for the widgets to assume the same width when placed side by side in a row.
To distribute widgets equally:
Click on the three-dots menu in the widget's top menu bar.
Select the Distribute Equally.
Resizing widgets
To resize a widget:
Drag the edges of the column they are located in up and down or left and right. The widgets will be resized according to the new parameters of the column.
Drag its edges up and down or left and right.
Switch View Mode
A dashboard can be viewed in either Layout mode or in View mode:
- Layout Mode: This is default mode for any dashboard. In this mode you can add new widgets to your dashboard.
- View Mode: View mode enables you to see what the dashboard looks like when a user is only viewing the dashboard. In View mode, the dashboard cannot be rearranged or edited.
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