I entered time-off in My Timesheets but now I can't change it. Why?
Time-off is not editable from My Timesheets.
Time-off can be edited in My Schedule or in People Schedule, if users are appropriately permissioned. Users who do not have access to People Schedule can modify their own time-off entries using My Schedule and the steps below if the company has enabled the corresponding Time Management setting, Allow users to modify their own time-off.
Additional resources
- Managing time-off using schedule allocations.
- Overview of Time Management Settings.
- About permission profiles and how they work.
To edit a time-off allocation from My Schedule
- Click My Work in the top bar.
- Select My Schedule from the dropdown.
- The logged-in user will appear in the heatmap.
- Expand the user's row to display allocations.
- Find the time-off entry in the heatmap.
- Right-click on the time-off allocation bar.
- Select Edit.
- Click Save.
- The time-off allocation and timesheet entry update to reflect.
To delete a time-off allocation from My Schedule
- Click My Work in the top bar.
- Select My Schedule from the dropdown.
- The logged-in user will appear in the heatmap.
- Expand the user's row to display allocations.
- Find the time-off entry in the heatmap.
- Right-click on the time-off allocation bar.
- Select Delete.
- Click Save.
- The time-off allocation and timesheet entry update to reflect.
Note: Deleting a time-off allocation is final and cannot be undone. If time-off is deleted in error, it must be recreated. Time-off created via integration must be deleted within the third party application.
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