There are several time management options available within Forecast. These options, or settings, are available at the company level and accessible to Admin users under Time Management. Additionally, Admins use Time Management to configure and maintain internal time categories and time off types.
This article covers:
- Accessing Time Management settings
- Time Increments
- Time registration settings
- Timesheet Approval
- Internal Time Approval
- Time-off Approval
- All users can modify their own time off (Beta)
- Timesheet Locking
- Timesheet Management
- Register time with AI
Accessing Time Management settings
Time Management is accessible to Admins only. Settings are company level and therefore impact all users. Time management settings cannot be enabled/disabled for specific users or projects. All settings detailed in this article are accessible using following path:
To access Time Management
- Click Admin in the top bar.
- Select Time Management from the dropdown.
Time Increments
Time Increments controls timesheet entry rounding based on the interval selected. The default increment is 1 minute. Time entries will reflect the actual time value entered and are not rounded. The other options available are 15 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day. Consider selecting a rounding value depending on your time reporting needs and workflows.
Time registration settings
Accurate time tracking is a requirement for many organizations. Time registration settings help manage how time is reported. Time registration settings can be changed at any time and can be configured in any combination. Setting changes apply only new time registrations created within Forecast. All Time registration settings are disabled by default. Admins must tick the box next to each setting they wish to apply.
Setting | Control |
Allow time entries on Done tasks | Allows users to register time on Done tasks |
Allow time entries at the project level | Allows users to register time at the project level, as well as the task level. |
All time entries on internal time categories | Allows users to register time against internal time categories. |
Allow time entries exceeding a task's estimate | Team members can register time on a task even if the total time will be higher than the estimate for the task. |
Allow time entries outside of task dates | Users can register time on any date, even if it is outside of task start and end dates. |
Allow time entries outside of project dates | Users can register time on any date, even if it is outside of project start and end dates. |
Allow billable time adjustment on time entries | Allow for team members to adjust how much of the time logged in their work is billable. |
Allow selection of role on time entries | Allow users to register time against any role. |
Require notes for time entries | Allow users to add a time registration only if it includes a note. |
Require task assignment for time entries | Allow users to add a time registration to a task only fi they are assigned to it. |
To enable Time registration settings
- Click Admin in the top bar.
- Select Time Management from the dropdown.
- Scroll down to the section titled, Time registration settings.
- Locate the desired setting.
- Tick the box to enable the setting.
- Alternatively, untick the box to disable a previously enabled setting.
- Changes persist immediately. There is no option or requirement to save.
Timesheet Approval
Timesheet Approval allows Admins, Project Owners or other custom-permissioned users to approve or reject time registrations submitted by their team members on their billable projects before they can be invoiced. See Using timesheet approval for more information on how to set up and best utilize the feature.
Internal Time Approval
Internal Time Approval allows Admins, Project Owners or other custom-permissioned users to approve or reject internal time registrations. If enabled in the company settings, internal time will show up along with project/task time in the timesheet approval flow. Internal time is approved/rejected just like project time.
Time-off Approval
Time-off Approval allows Admins or other custom-permissioned users to approve or reject time off registrations submitted by team members. For more on using Time off Approval, see Using timesheet approval.
All users can modify their own time off (Beta)
If enabled, all users are able to modify their time-off allocations from the My Schedule page. Users will be able to modify the time-off category, the dates/duration and the number of hours for the time-off allocation in addition to the right-click functionalities: split, edit, duplicate and delete.
Timesheet Locking
Timesheet Locking allows for Admins to establish a period in Forecast during which team members are restricted from registering time or editing already existing time entries. Find a more detailed walkthrough about the feature in Timesheet Locking.
Timesheet Management
Creating categories for internal time and time off is required if your team is expected to report time accurately.
Internal Time
Add, update or remove internal time categories for your account here. If time entries are allowed on internal time categories, users will be able to register time on these categories in their timesheets.
To add an internal time category
- Click on Admin on the top bar.
- Head to Time Management.
- Under Internal Time, type in the name for the new internal time category.
- Click "+" to add.
- Click the three-dots on the internal time category to either edit or delete.
Time Off
Add, update or remove time off time categories from your account here. Team members will be able to register time on these categories in their timesheets the same way as they would internal time. If integrated with BambooHR, time off categories must be configured here and linked to the corresponding time off category within BambooHR. Additionally, with the BambooHR integration, users will not have the option to log time off in My Timesheets. Time off syncs from BambooHR to Forecast, and therefore all time off must be managed from directly within BambooHR.
To add a time off category
- Click on Admin on the top bar.
- Head to Time Management.
- Under Time Off, type in the name for the new time off category.
- Click "+" to add.
- Click the three-dots on the time-off category to either edit or delete.
Register time with AI
Make time registrations the most intuitive and fastest part of your team's day. Forecast’s AI learns from your previous work and suggests the number of hours you normally register on similar tasks to help you log time faster. The data is used to give you valuable real-time insights to make business decisions on a proven basis.
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