The Month of November 2018
November 30th
What's New
- Feedback means everything to us, and as a Forecaster we want your work process to be easier! We appreciate feedback from every user, not just top management but also the entire team within your company. We’ve listened and gathered all your comments and insights into the use of Forecast in your day to day activities. To all the team members out there, we’re excited to announce Timeline for a Collaborator view. The sleek UI now enables you to get a full understanding of not just the task you are work on, but the whole project your supporting. You’ll be able to add tasks, and adjust deadlines for the tasks.
- The new Insight for your Portfolio, Price & Profit, which supports and shows invoices with the Xero integration has an update. Now you can group this insight by labels, and we love labels! They help the AI, and keep it busy!
- You can never have too many quick login options, right? We’re speeding up the process with Google login.
- We’ve set up some redirects e.g., Card number redirects to Task number in the URL, so you can navigate easily.
Coming Soon
- Up next for our UI launch: Workflow, we added some new functionalities, and well, it looks a lot better. Coming soon!
November 20th
What's New
- New Insight for your Portfolio. Price & Profit Insight now supports and shows invoices with the Xero integration. You can see the Price (revenue) and Profit you have in a period. You can group by Projects, Clients, Team and Team Members. You can select the date range you would like to view this invoice to narrow down the scope of the insight.
- Onelogin option is now active! It’s simply easier for you to log in with one system, making it quicker to work in Forecast, which is what you've always wanted.
- It’s here; it’s finally here! We’re tickled with joy and hope that it spreads your way. We've been hard at work building, designing, and now launching the new Scheduling. A quick thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the designing process. If you need any help, check out our articles on our Help Center.
- Public Holidays are now a thing or have been before, but now we have them too! Check out in the Admin Settings you can do an import of the year and country, and add a new company calendar. Under your Profile, you can select which calendar to use- or it will just be the default calendar. In Scheduling, under People, you can see the holidays in the non-project time.
- Timeline is launching with a new look. All project Timelines have the new UI (User Interface), the same as the new Scheduling. Now you can see all your individual projects or Connected Project in a Gantt Chart.
The Month of October 2018
October 25th
What's New
- Popping in some new fields in the Insights. In Insights → Projects → Card List we added “Projected” field. Projected is the remaining hours plus the time registered on the Card. Check it out to quickly review the progress of the card.
- We’re adding a bit of precision to the Activity Log on the Card. Before it would only tell you how many days ago there was activity on the card. So if you didn’t do anything for 87 days you would have to count back to what date that was. We thought that process was a bit cumbersome. Now it it shows the date at which the activity was created and how many days ago the activity occurred.
- Insights components were just too excited to show you your insights that they were cutting each other off to be first on the list! Some list components were overlapping each other but that’s fixed now.
October 17th
What's New
- Power boost added to our API: Fixed Price Budget is now available in the Budget field.
- Last week we found a bug doing a funky dance in the Scoping page. Well, the bug hopped over to our Team page. The inversion of the drop-down was covered by the menu header, so you were not able to select between the different roles. We banned this bug for good this time.
- The Insights component, Project List, had an error with the project completion bar. All projects showed about 1% completion even if it was more. That’s now reflective of your actual completion, even if it is 1%.
- My Expense List didn’t want to show you the last two expenses. Now we are keeping track of every expense, even the last two on the list.
October 9th
- A rare bug found in its natural habitat, known as the “c-modalous bug” was discovered. With this bug you couldn’t close the opened Card. Once appeared, the card stayed forever, or until you closed the browser tab. The c-modalous is now extinct.
- Calculations are spot on, well now they are, for the utilization insight on connected projects.
- Scope page was doing a funky dance with the role drop-down menu. The inversion of the drop-down was covered by the menu header, so you were not able to select between the different roles. We’ve cut the funky dance and it works now.
Coming Soon
- The anticipation is building, and the Forecast office is about to explode with excitement! Scheduling Version 2 is coming to a workplace near you this November! More information will be coming later this month.
October 2nd
- We’re busy bees at our new office focusing on building the new UI. Though, we flocked to fix the pestering bugs.
- Exporting your expenses in a CVS export had not included the person as it should. You probably want to know who made what expense, so we fixed that.
- In Chrome, a header in a few locations was feeling a little rebellious and appeared white. Project overview, upcoming tasks, overdue tasks, basically all the list views of the product had a white header. We changed that now!
- Jira integration has a snazzy appearance of task functionalities. Now a three-dot menu is where you can mark if it’s billable or blocked.
- The chat icon was getting in the way of viewing your deactivated users in All Team Members in the Admin view. We simply moved the arrow. Now you can see the deactivated users.
The Month of September 2018
September 12th
What's New
- Spread the word, we ramped up our API. Now the API is extended so now it can handle Subtasks.
September 6th
What's New
- Adding Expense Items is much quicker now. The fill out form is pre-populated with the project, date, and the person (as in you). The process is as fast as a shooting star, although it didn't happen a million years ago, it's happening now, in the platform.
- We took away a glitch in the Sprint Backlog filtering on connected projects. Sorry if you’ve befriended glitch, you won’t be see him again.
- Insights got a bit of a sprucing up this week. Insight component Project list didn't display the completion bar and project status bar. We thought that was a column you would want to see in your project progress in the insights, so we added it back.
- Printing your insights in a PDF has been improved and had an overall revamp.
- Expense item component wasn't showing the Person column. This bug didn't want you to know who's expenses belonged to what. We fixed that.
- Budget is complicated enough, you don't need the numbers to overlap as well. Budget List column in insight overlap is fixed.
The Month of August 2018
August 28th
- A few bug fixes this week; obscure and specific bugs were found. For example, under the Overdue menu tab in Upcoming Work, Done cards were showing only when you viewed work for all persons. This very specific bug has been removed.
- Looking for someone on your team? Yeah, we were too. Searching in ‘Team Members’ under the admin settings was not working, as in, nothing was happening- but now you can search for all your colleagues again.
Coming Soon
- You might have noticed over the last few weeks that only a few updates have been mentioned while we’ve mostly focused on squashing bugs. Well, it’s because we’re working on a new and amazing User Interface (UI). The app will get a facelift with a clean and vibrant look, similar to a Hollywood reality star. We’ll keep you updated on the progress!
August 21st
- Bugs can be mysterious, but it’s our job to unveil them. Enterprise companies can rejoice, now logging in with Okta works on the sign in page. In Okta, you can also jump right into Forecast directly by logging into your Okta app page.
- The percentage calculation on the Milestone progress bar was acting finicky. Unapproved were slipping through the cracks, which meant that they weren’t accounted for in the milestone percentage. No longer will Milestones show that they are 100% done when they’re actually not.
Coming Soon
- We’ve got something cooking in the oven, and it smells fresh and hot. Coming soon, we will have an update to subtasks. A few of the upgrades include adding multiple roles on a subtask or task and estimating and scheduling subtasks. To save some suspense, tune in next time to hear more.
August 8th
Newly Launched
- Budgets are boring and confusing, or at least they can be. But now there are improved explanations to the budge. Hover over the i (information icon) to learn more about each term used in the Forecast budgets. For example, the Forecast Profit calculation now uses the Full Price rather than the Unit Price. There are many more improvements like that. It's much more helpful to read, even if you know nothing about a budget.
- If you're a visual person, this one is for you! There are some major improvements to the charts visuals. Everywhere you see a chart in Forecast; you might think, 'Wow, this is a perfect chart!' Maybe you're not into charts, and that's cool- but at least now they look nicer. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way.
- The Sprint Breakdown is a vital insight comment if you work in sprints, obviously. The formula used for the calculations of the Sprint Breakdown has been improved to show a more accurate representation of your data, which is probably something you've been wanting. Now that's fixed.
The Month of July 2018
July 24th
Newly Launched
- Overall we added a fancy polish to the web app. You might notice the new sheen.
- A new insight component is comin’ atcha to give you a better overview. Portfolio insights show you the time reported for all team members within a specific week. So now, managers can have an easy overview of their teams registered hours.
- It shouldn't be difficult to allocate a team member to a project, but with this bug, it was. No project start and end dates on a project? That meant your team member wasn't allocated, but that's fixed now.
- If your permissions level is a manager or a controller, then you probably noticed this duplicating bug, duplicating bug. (Oh no there it was again!) If managers or controllers duplicated a project, but did not select "Duplicate Team Members" then you wouldn't be assigned to the project and could not access it. You have access now!
- In insights, specific drop-down components were being cut off, by other insight components, how rude. We pounced on that bug; it wasn’t pretty.
- We were noticing a content overflow problem with the Notes component in insights. People really liked to write a lot, so we added a scroll bar to avoid the extra word spillage.
July 18th
Newly Launched
- Want the option to look at everything at once? The expand and collapse buttons, which are on the timeline, are now also on all scheduling views. By clicking ‘Expand All,’ you can view the whole schedule. Inversely, by clicking ‘Collapse All,’ you can minimize the view.
- When signing up for the mobile app, there are two new questions added to the signup process to help us optimize your experience. You will be asked what size your company is and what is your interest, for example, ‘Time & Budget’ or ‘Project & Collaboration.’
We found an uncollaborative bug in the system. If you dragged an allocation from one person to another person, the person wasn’t added to the project. No the person is added and ready to collaborate.
We had a broken link bug messing with connected projects or projects. If those projects didn’t exist anymore due to deleting the project, there was just a white loading page, but now there is a 404 page.
If you don’t use estimations on Scoping, you might have noticed an error with the progress of your milestone. If all of your cards were set to ‘Done,' then the milestone indicated that it was 0% complete. Now, if all your unestimated cards have the status of done, then your milestone will reflect that with 100% done.
Client users were given double work with this bug. If you are a client user and assigned to a card, the bug also expected you to accomplish some of the work. We thought it should be removed because we have a feeling that no one likes double work!
Upcoming work and My Project pages did not remember the sort order on the selected columns. But the sort order works now, so your work is no longer jumbled.
Purple is better than pink, right? We think so! The pink onboarding tooltips are now purple! Why? Well, now it’s easier to read the white text on a purple background. We also added a ‘Next Tip’ button to help with familiarizing yourself with the system.
July 4th
Newly Launched
- Files: Let’s build a nest! Nested folders are here... You can now create folders inside of folders in Forecast. This should make your file management in Forecast a lot better. You can easily navigate between folders by clicking the navigation path at the top when inside of a folder. Clicking the current folder will open a dropdown menu for you, where you can rename the folder, or take a few other actions.
- Password Strength Update: We’ve updated the password requirements to enforce a more secure password behavior among all of our users. Now, if a person tries to login or register with an already existing email address, we will no longer disclose whether the email address already exists in the Forecast system. Also, if we see multiple attempts of signing in to your account with the wrong password; the account will be locked for a few minutes to prevent unauthorized access.
- Update to Expense Items: You can now create an Expense Item from the universal Create button at the top right. We’ve also added the ability to attach files, for example a receipt, to the expense. Creating new Expense Items is open to all Collaborators and up, but expenses need to be approved by a Controller or Admin, before going to the budget. Expense Items are linked to projects, not cards, and thus will only show up on the project budget. To view all of your own Expense Items, you can go to My Profile at the top right of Forecast, and from there, go to My Expenses. Here, you can view the status and edit your expenses.
Coming Soon
Dependencies! Last week they were “Coming Soon”... This week they’re coming Very Soon! Like VERY soon. Stay tuned!
The Month of June 2018
June 27th
Newly Launched
- A new addition to our AI! We’re updating Forecast’s Language Processing with new and improved suggested labels. When you are creating labels for your Cards, the platform is so smart that it will make some suggested tags from what you have written in your card title and description. It’s like when you’re having a conversation with a friend, and they start guessing what you’re going to say next, but now the friend is always right. As of now, this AI feature is only rolled out in English, but that will change in the future.
- Are you tired of your old colleagues hanging around in the system? We feel you, and we don’t need them. You no longer just have the option to deactivate your persons, but now you can delete them. To delete a team member go to your admin settings and select Team Members. There you can find you ‘deactivated people.’ Select the person you want to delete, and a popup window will ask if you’re sure. If so, type in their name to confirm. Make sure you are certain about deleting them because it’s a permanent action. All of their data and time registrations will be deleted from Forecast.
- We added another column to My Projects when viewing in a list. Welcome the new addition, Project Cost. The columns are so extensive that you might not even have to open your projects anymore!
- For those of you using the Github integration, we’ve shifted some things around for optimization. (It also looks prettier, and that’s what really matters). We’ve moved Github issues and pull requests below subtasks and to-dos on your card.
Coming Soon
- Just a reminder dependencies are coming soon! The feature update email, sent out last week, was to prepare and inform you of the new addition. We are sorry if it sounded like it was already launched, it is on the way!
June 20th
Newly Launched
- New optimization to your working process in the cards. Now, if you have an integration with GitHub, the issues and pull requests will be below your subtask or to-dos. You might not have even noticed it, but you’re welcome!
- In your Upcoming Work you can add a new column- Milestone. We’re not sure why that wasn’t there but now it is!
Coming Up!
- Drum roll please…. Dependencies! Yes we said it, now you’ll be able to make dependencies between cards. You will have the option to select how ‘dependent’ they are. For example, in the workflow, one card has to be in the ‘Done’ column before the other card can be moved to ‘In Progress’. Visually this is a great addition for making sure things are done in the correct order. You will be able to filter in ‘Indicators’ with a corresponding dependencies icon.
June 12th
Newly Launched
- We’re here to save you time, even if it is just a microsecond. Now when you type in an input field you simply just have to press enter to save your changes. Before you had to click away from the field, and we can all agree that takes a bit more time than necessary. Not to be dramatic or anything.
- We’ve added a new Filter on the Monthly Utilization. Since teams are a new addition, we thought it might be nice to filter by teams on your report. So, now you can do that.
Fixed - In Project Scheduling, with a Connect Project, we show the individual projects underneath. Now the ones that are done are also visible, (since they are apart of the full connected project.) But of course, if all of the individual projects are done, they will not appear in the schedule.
- For a hot minute Search, Filters and the Scoping page didn’t work. The bug was all over the place, we caught it, and now they all work!
- The start and end date for the Connected Projects were acting funky. When one or more of the connected projects were in ‘Done’ or ‘Halted’ the whole connected project did not have the right dates. Well it was a finicky bug, because they could have had the wrong dates. So maybe you didn’t even notice it.
- In the Upcoming Work page, if you included the column ‘Over Forecast’ it wasn’t sorting your Cards in the right order. Now that sorting function works.
June 5th
Newly Launched
- We have some exciting additions to this weeks release! As we have hyped it before, we have just launched the new Client and Team page. Check out our blog post and see what else these great features have to offer!
- Subtasks are stepping up their game in the platform, no longer are they To-do’s little brother. Introducing scoping on a low level. A few cool things you can do with Subtasks is: change the order, add an estimate that is tied to remaining, and choose if you would like your remaining hours to be calculated automatically or manually. If you would like to learn more about this feature, take a gander at our new help center article.
- New columns have been added to the Project list page. If you’re super interested in knowing what has been approved in your projects, you can now add Approved Scope (the whole scope of the project), Approved Low (low estimate) and Approved High (high estimate).
- We’re very insightful this week with some new updates and additions to our insights components. Here’s a bight of straight talk coming at’cha.
Changes are made to the insight components - Utilization Bar Chart: The Utilization Bar Chart looks so much better since we changed the design. Believe me; you will actually want to look at this report. We added some data to the bar chart, Planned Cards- which is the time left that your team has to work on those cards. You can also Filter by People on the utilization bar chart.
- Utilization List: We added two new column, Billability & Card utilization, and you can also Filter by People.
- Card List: You can filter by sprint, which allows you only to see the cards within that sprint. You can also review the reported hours and the Difference in hours. The Difference is the (forecasted) minus (remaining + reported).
- Sprint List: (Same as Card List) You can see the reported hours and the Difference in hours. The Difference is the (forecasted) minus (remaining + reported).
- Expense Item List: Available for building a Project and Portfolio insight, it gives you the list of the expense items you have added to your project. Pretty self-explanatory.
- Sprint Burndown: The ideal velocity is now more accurate. Ideal velocity on the sprint burndown is changed, so it only goes down on the dates you have working hours. So no more burndown on the weekend (unless of course if you are working).
- We forgot to remove all the grey in the connected projects. In the drop-down menu in projects (when selecting another project) the connected project colors have been updated. No more grey!
- We did another performance update to creating a Card. So it takes less time than before, you might not even notice the update since it’s just a few seconds of your life.
The Month of May 2018
May 30th
Newly Launched
- We’re out with the grey and in with the color! Now you can select any color you feel for your connected project.
- We’re rolling out a new and improved version of the Monthly Utilization Report, in Insights. With these cool additions, utilization reports become a little less dreary. Firstly, you can filter by person or role, so you can see if Konrad, the Developer, is working enough in the month. (That Konrad…) Next, there is an added summary at the top of the report. Helping you quickly see how you have utilized your team in a month. Lastly, we added some *more* colors to liven up your project-based life. You can customize the colors, so it looks good even if you’re colorblind.
- We added some performance optimization to the workflow. So now it’s faster to move cards between columns. It’s not lightning speed fast, but it’s probably more like Usain Bolt fast.
- Ever written something you wish you could edit? Yea, us neither… but if you want to edit your comment, you can do that in Cards but with a bonus of adding mentions. Tag people to the edited comment by adding an @ to find the team members.
- Sometimes, the sprint capacity would include deactivated persons to allocations. We no longer have those ghosts floating around in the system.
- Keyboard shortcuts are considered shortcuts for a reason, but our bugs wanted to make you navigate the long way around the system, or even navigate somewhere entirely different. The shortcut for moving cards between columns is fixed.
- Mac users experienced a funny shortcut when they were writing text and used this bracket {. Somehow you would end up on the client page, but that doesn’t happen anymore. Now you can just write it.
- If you used internet explorer, you might have noticed that you couldn’t assign team members to cards. Yea, we’re sure that bug had a particular browser bias, but we changed that!
- If you use the time tracker, it was probably risky to reset your time because there was a missing confirmation notice. Now you’ll be notified.
- Workflows can be tricky especially if you don’t have the right indicator of what’s in ‘To-Do’ or what’s ‘In Progress.’ When adding a new column to the Workflow, the default status was To-Do, but now it’s In Progress. We hope this helps.
- API update: it now supports connected projects.
Coming Up
- Teams and Clients! Check out the new feature later this week!
May 18th
Newly Launched
- Approaching fan-girl status with Utilization. I mean what else do you need to liven up your insights than a Monthly Utilization report? With the new utilization insight, you can view reported time on Cards and Allocations to see how much your team has utilized over the month. It’s been a heavily requested insight, so we hope you’re screaming your heads off with excitement.
- Now there is an opportunity to clear dates for Project and Milestone dates. Clearing can be done in the Project overview for Projects and In Scoping for Milestones. If you did not set the dates to a card within that Milestone, they would be cleared. But don’t worry, if you set them yourself the dates will remain.
May is the month for bug fixes, and we are not stopping ‘til they’re all gone!
- A bug made us a bit ‘time-confused’ on the timeline the end date on milestones were off by a day. Now the dates lineup so our time is back on track.
- The budget chart had a bug that ate some much-needed money on the graph. Sometimes, if your budget is 80,000 the projected budget line on the graph would show less than that amount, but that has been fixed.
- UI bugs are the most annoying, so we’re glad we caught this one. In scheduling, if you clicked the drop-down menu “Jump To” it would say dropped down. The bug wanted to be a central feature on the page, but we removed it. Now the menu works as it should.
- If you had a long title on your card, the text would not wrap when you viewed a note on the time page. There was this weird empty white space off to the side of the note, but we’re not a fan of that. That space is no longer there.
May 8th
Newly Launched
- Transparency is essential for us at Forecast! It's the theme of this week, and we're trying to increase transparency for you by adding awesome new features!
- Out of some confusion with time registration, we decided to update the workflow by adding an ‘In Progress’ column for new projects. We realized that some of you might not have known the link between ‘In Progress’ work and your Timesheet, this should make it clearer now. Any of your Cards that are moved to the ‘In Progress’ will appear in your Timesheet.
- Under Scheduling, the unassigned column to the right has been changed. (Just in case you don’t know what we’re talking about, Navigate to Scheduling, select People view and then choose Viewing Cards. There you will see on the right-hand side a small collapsed column labeled as ‘Unassigned.’) So what’s been changed? The time has been changed to Remaining from Forecasted. It helps you stay on your toes, knowing how much time is left on the unassigned cards.
- Two new columns have been added to the Portfolio Project List Insight. When you create some amazing insights for your clients and collaborators, now you can include the start and end date columns to your reports. (It’s an optional filter to select so you don’t necessarily have to add them, only if you want! But it's there, so why not?)
- A new insight component has been added to Portfolio. It’s super cool (or we think so) because it’s the ultimate export list. Now you can view a Card list, which shows you all your cards across every project. There are so many columns to choose from, and it doesn’t necessarily look pretty, but it’s perfect for the exportable nature of it.
- New indicators have been incorporated for you to be alerted to everything going on in your project! Previously you could only Filter by Bug or Blocked, but now we’ve added two more: Warning and Critical. A Warning sign indicates that you have not registered enough time on your Card. A Critical sign, among many things, means that you have, for example, registering more time than your high estimate or that your Card finishes after the Milestone date. If you are unsure why there is a warning or critical sign, just simply hover over the symbol and an explanation will appear.
- In line with the theme of transparency this week, two new fields have been added to Scoping. Now you can check to see if the Card is over the Forecasted hours or over the High estimate.
- We took care of a bug fix that might have been annoying for your clients. Since a client can only see their own Cards, the system sort of crashed when they would un-assign themselves from a Card. That doesn’t occur anymore, but that’s also due to a new functionality where they cannot unassign themselves. This is because they frankly wouldn’t see any of the progress of the project.
- We removed a few smaller bugs that were tripping up the shortcut navigation. Two were fixed to the Team page. For example, now you can navigate to the team view by pressing (Alt+Shift+7) and the filters clear now when you press (Alt+shift+X). Give it a try!
May 1st
Newly Launched
- We’re keeping everything connected at Forecast, and our goal is to improve your ‘clicking’ experience. If you’ve ever opened a Card outside of the Workflow, for example when doing time registration, you’ve probably experienced a lot of clicking to get back to the project. Now when you open a Card, if you merely click the project title you will be lead back to the project.
- Bulk Card function has been improved even more! For those of you who use Sprints, you’ll like this function. Now, in the Workflow view, under ‘More’ you can move selected cards to another sprint.
- Needing to be kept up-to-date on the progress of your Cards? Well, we have a new filter for you. In Scoping, Cards can now be filtered by Status. For example, to-do, in-progress, done. (It’s not a crazy addition, but we love filters, so why not!)
- Speaking of filters… we added a new filter to the Scheduling view to make it easier to plan your work. In Scheduling, under Card view, you can now filter by Milestone. The filtering options are blowing your mind, aren’t they? (See, we told you we love filters).
- For admins only: If you’re a label fanatic this one is really going to ‘Woo’ you! In your Admin settings, Labels can be sorted by Name, Color, or Usage. Ever wonder how those labels got their color? Well, you can easily change the color of the labels under this tab.
- We're starting off the month with removing some bugs from the system. In the Time View, at the bottom next to the total hours, there was a bug that showed you a red warning sign saying that you didn’t register enough time. But the strange thing was, this signed showed up for future dates. We’re no longer ‘seeing’ the future, so that bug has been removed from your future reported time.
- Secondly with time registration, if you registered more time than your default working hours, then the total hours had a yellow warning sign. That too has been removed.
- When a Card has inherited a start date from a Project, Milestone or Sprint, and you want to change that date, the date picker (i.e., the UI widget you use to select the date), will start at the current date. Now you don't have to click back to the past starting date. To put simply, now you don’t have to do nearly as much clicking as you did before.
April 2018
Newly Launched
- Updates have been added to the Xero integration. It keeps getting better and better, and it's all thanks to your feedback. Now you can do invoicing based on your scope/forecasted price with the option to include a deposit invoice. Let me break it down for you...
- You can do deposit invoicing- i.e., upfront payment (for those of you who are not too familiar with Xero’s terminology). It can be done as a percentage or fixed amount. You can send out invoices to your clients based on your scoping/forecasted price. So, if your client has completed a deposit invoice, then the amount they have deposited will be subtracted from the final invoice.
- We have two exciting updates on the Time page. We've added a search function for all you busy bees out there! You can now search for all your cards if you can't easily find them in your 'In Progress' work. If you use a small screen, you might have experienced a bothersome scroll function for viewing your cards. We didn't want to put you through that finger strain anymore, so we have moved some things around. Now there is a drop-down where you can add your time to different project or cards. If you have a harvest integration, you can also input your time there!
- For all you Spanish speakers out there, we've fine-tuned our translations making it bearable to read. Paranuestros usuarios en Español, finalmente pudimos hacer la revisión de la plataforma que queríamos, y ahora todos los campos están correctamente traducidos del Inglés! Les prometemos que vamos a manterlo así. :D
- A new filter has been added to Project List Insights. For those of you who track the status of the project, and want to know the latest information, then this filter is for you! Now the Project List insight shows the date the status was created. Collaborators and clients can stay even more up-to-date on your project progress.
- No longer do you have to go into scoping to change the role of the card. Now in the card module, a section was added to assign or change the role of this card. Really, it's just a simple addition that might save you some clicking time.
- GitHub integration! Our developers are taking a winners lap for this one! Our recent integration will blow your developers socks off! The GitHub integration with Forecast lets you sync and track pull requests and issues between projects in Forecast and Github. You can view your GitHub pull requests DIRECTLY in your Cards in Forecast. We’re saving your developers loads of click back time.
- Bulk Card Updates are here! We added Bulk Updates to the Workflow, Scoping, and Sprints. All cards have a new little checkbox (clean and cute, you might have missed it). What it means is that when you have checked one or more cards two things happen. First, on the Workflow, you can drag them between columns, in Scoping you can drag between Milestones, and in Sprints, you can drag between Sprints. Secondly, there is a ‘More’ menu where you can, of course, view more. The drop-down menu has the options to do different updates on the cards you have selected. For example, Assign, Move to another Project and (Milestone/Sprint), Bulk card update, and Delete. P.S. We have a Superuser hack for you. If you press shift, you can select more than one card. (But you probably already knew that hack!)
- The wait is over, welcome to the new and improved Files page. (You might not have been waiting for the files update, per se, but surely you will see the benefit!) When you are under Files in the Project menu you can add Folders, aka put many files into a folder- if you didn’t know. Similar to the Bulk Card Update there is a ‘More’ menu where you can move as many files as you want to another Card or Folder. Additionally, you can Download or Delete multiple Files at one time. Ultimately, what this update means is that you can organize your Gifs in logical formation.
- Are you working with insights and reporting? Are you a fan of Notes? Then you'll like this new update. There’s a new column added to the Time Reported insight. Now you can view the Notes written by your team. You can click to expand the notes, and they are visible when filtering to a single team member or when the report has no grouping.
- We’re squashing bugs at Forecast, here are some big ones we fixed.
- In Insights, The Sprint Burndown is fixed. If you did not report time on the last days of the sprint, (maybe because it was a weekend or time off), then the graph line did not appear for those days. That’s been fixed, the line will extend to the end of the graph, even if there was no time reported. Additionally, dates were displayed twice on the sprint burndown if you logged hours at different times in the day to the sprint. Now the dates will only show once.
- There was a pesky Scoping bug, lingering around labels. If you opened a card in a milestone and added a label to the card, it was not appearing unless you reloading the browser. Now it updates on its own.
- When you filter your sprints and selected a filter you did not have assigned, (for example labels), the zero state page would appear and say ‘you don’t have any sprints.’ Now for more clarity, if you don’t have any filter matches, it will say ‘no sprints match that criteria’.
- When you were working in the workflow and wanted to report time on a card (in the three dots to the side of the card) the ‘Start Time’ was not working. We’ve fixed that now, so you can start and stop your time as much as you want! (But hopefully only as much as you need.)
- Moving cards out of one sprint and into another sprint were more difficult than it needed to be. The remaining and forecasted hours were not updated with the change, but now they are.
- In the Business Insight, the Projected Hours and Ahead of Forecast (for point estimated time) was not correct, the time in hours wasn’t converting into points and the numbers were all over the place- but that too has been updated.
- Again, we're making math easier for you! In Scoping, we were missing a sum of the time entries. No longer do you have to do the mental math by yourself. We’ve added the missing sum of time entries to scoping.
Coming Soon
- Sharing is caring, and it can be fun! We would like to give you a glimpse into three great updates coming this spring. Soon you don’t have to- ONLY add and change a role in Scoping. You will be able to add and change a role directly in the Cards.
- Time page 3.0 updates. For those of you with a small screen, you will be surprised by how much extra leg room you have! (Oh wait that’s just on planes). Anyways, you will have more space to view your time entries. On the Month view, the current date will be more visible since the date with highlighted in another color.
- VSTS integration: Another amazing developer-focused integration is easily helping your team plan tasks for synchronicity.
March 2018
Newly Launched
- We’re working in a slightly more logical way. Clients are no longer linked to a Connected Project (since they could view other projects and how they were progressing). Now your Client is only linked to the individual project. As in, the client only sees their project.
- Speaking of clients… In the team menu, we added a tab for ‘Client’ so you can see which Client is assigned to the project in an easier view. Now the team members can quickly see the client vs. their other team members.
- Math is complicated, so we made it easier for you! On the budget page, you can continue to group by Roles or by Milestones but now there are more sum fields. Sums that have been added in Hours include Reported (h) and for Money include: Reported ($), Current Cost ($), and Cost ($). The fields were already there, but now we did the math for you.
- Update to the Jira Integration! Linked alongside the name, Jira issue ID numbers are visible on your Forecast Cards. You can enable this update to the integration in your Jira app settings.
- We are full of integrations these days; Forecast is always inclusive! We have a fantastic Xero integration that’s been added!! Sometimes it’s alright to brag, and this is one of those times! There are so many cool things about this invoicing integration that we wrote a Blog post and a help center article on it! Check it out.
- Managing your schedule just became much easier, and not because there is nothing to do! Our Scheduling heatmap is updated. Go to Schedule → People view, you can zoom in and out of the schedule and view your cards or allocations from a Day, Week, and Month view. You won’t be getting a headache from this schedule- and hopefully not a headache from all of your work either!
- Client icons- before they were small, now they are big. A simple change for Admins that will minimize your squinting. You can view this change in the Client List view.
- Everyone loves a good filter, or so it seems. Every week filters continue to be improved, via your request! A second row of Filtering is added to the Workflow, Scoping, Timeline, and Sprints view. Let us know if any filters are missing that your team needs and our developers will get right on that!
- Our API is extended, meaning that you can see which of your projects are integrated with other apps. For example, Harvest project, JIRA project and board, TimeLog project, GitLab project and Salesforce opportunity are all visible in the API.
- This is a new and fixed combo; we’re keeping things connected in Forecast! In your Connected Projects, you can add a Card to the Connected Project directly from the workflow columns. Find that exciting? Well now you can move the Card around between projects and your data won’t be lost. Two birds with one stone, adding something new and fixing something old.
- Forecast has integration with Gitlab! We keep saying that with Forecast you save time with less manual work- and this is a perfect example! Everything done to a Card in Forecast is reflected in an Issue in Gitlab. For more information about the full integration check out our blog post!
- I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. You won’t hear the White Rabbit chiming in your head anymore. (Or we hope you didn’t in the first place). Any timekeeper would be happy to hear that our Time page has been updated! There are a few clean UX changes that even the Queen of Hearts wouldn’t yell ‘off with your head.’
- You can view your time in Day, Week, and Month view, allowing for a better overview of your projects. With an updated navigation field you can select ‘Today’ or quickly navigate backward or forwards to other days.
- Additional features include:
- A total field in the Day, Week, and Month views
- Cards that are assigned to and in progress are already visible in the timesheet
- You can click on a card for it to expand
- Added field to input notes to your time entry
- As a project manager, you can view each of your team members timesheet by selecting ‘View time for’
- In the Month view, an icon alerts you that either ‘not enough time is registered’ or ‘no time is registered’ helping you stay on track.
- As you can see, we put your time as a priority. To view screenshots and learn more, take a quick look at our blog post: Revamp of Time page.
- We’ve increased transparency in your project work life. Maybe someone higher up prefers to keep everything on the DL, but not with our platform. Team members can now view the other teammates working on the same project. I know, crazy right? Seeing who you work with might actually create more transparency and collaboration. But what do we know?
- We’re keeping you on your toes by adding a startlingly fantastic new feature. You will think, “how have I lived so long without this!?” And so, we are finally giving you what you deserve… a drop-down menu that folds up! What!? You’re probably thinking, “how could this be? I thought science and physics had me all sorts of confused but a drop-down menu that folds up? No, way.” Or maybe you reacted like a normal person and thought, “that’s cool, thanks for making my scroll easier.” But yaknow, we assume you had the first reaction.
- We kept this one a surprise. Drumroll, please… We added a new Scoping Filter! We know it’s not life-changing, but maybe it’s life-bettering? In Scope, the total of the project’s hours is visible at the bottom of the page. But if you’re interested in viewing for example, only Done cards or cards In Progress, the filter will reflect the amount of time that is registered on the cards. You can simultaneously view the project hours total, and then filtered cards total.
- We found a new calling, and it’s Insights. We’re revamping your insights to be more inclusive; you’re welcome in advance. What did we incorporate? More filters on Project List and Connected Project insights.
- Select Portfolio view → ‘Project List’ and select the three dots to edit. There you can select 12 more filters.
- Description of the project (To read the whole description, click on the field for it to expand)
- Sprints Enabled
- Sprint length in days
- Card levels, i.e., to-dos or subtasks
- Forecasted ($)
- Reported ($)
- Remaining ($)
- Projected ($)
- Forecast Profit
- Projected Profit
- Billable
- Status Description
- The options are endless, and by that we mean there’s 34. The added filters provide you with all the necessary (and overly extensive) information your clients have been wishing for.
- Consolidate is our motto, and can be yours too? There are now insights for Connected Projects. The existing individual projects, linked to the connected project, are summed up in these insights. Note, timeline view is coming soon for Connected Projects.
- Arguably, the most exciting new feature has arrived. The custom color picker for projects. Now you can choose the color of your dreams, select any color you desire, see the colors of the wind in projects... or other inspirational new actualizations of the full-color spectrum.
- Sometimes no matter how hard you try, graphs are just hard to read. Well now if they are hard to read it’s not because they look weird. The Sprint Burndown is fixed, the graph doesn’t look weird anymore.
- All drop-down menus are sorted alphabetically, now. We took the Jackson Five’s advice and found that “ABC is easy as one, two, three...”
- On the go and need to quickly edit your to-do list? We hear you! A necessary update, our app has better support for mobile devices. The mobile browser is functional with zoom and making edits. You can view, edit, and assign your Cards you can even see and modify your Sprint plan.
- What used to be a function, turned into a bug, but we debugged the bug. Now in the budget page, under roles, you can click on the cards that have time entries registered.
- Keyboard navigations, our way giving your wrist a break from your mouse. Now you can use your keyboard navigation to select from a ‘single selection’ drop-down menu. Merely reminding you that you don’t need to use your mouse on our platform, exclusively.
- We’ve fiddled with the Timeline- before it was white (as in, blank) and now there's color (as in, visible). Sharing your insights is so much clearer with a visible timeline- we’re always looking out for number one, the client!
- When deleted time registration on Cards, we added a popup notification. It inquires if you’re sure you want to delete time on a card. That wasn’t there before- but we just want you to be confident about the decisions you make in life. If you’re sure then, of course, click yes.
- The percentage milestone completion was not matching up to the cards completed in that milestone. We fixed that, the percentage is now reflective and is running smoothly.
Coming Soon
- Just a teaser of what’s to come.
- A Zapier Integration update
- A Gitlab Integration update
- A new and improved Time page
- But you’ll have to wait to see more next week.
February 2018
Newly Launched
- The secret is out! Our new feature is Connected Projects. Take a peek at the new addition and fiddle around with the components. Key highlights include a shared Workflow between the connected projects. Any new sprint you create will be included in the connected project, i.e. shared Sprints. You can also allocate a team member to the whole connected project. This is just the barebones, so for a full description of the bells and whistles of this wondrous new feature, check out our blog post.
- Colleagues like to talk, we know. Now when you are mentioned in allocations, you will be sent an email within .01 seconds. If you are mentioned anywhere else, comments, cards, or descriptions the email now contains the mention and where it is located. Similar to last week, we are continuing to slim down your inbox with the most relevant information.
- We tinkered with some phrasing in the Platform, leading to a new change. In hindsight, you might be thinking, "yea that was strange" or maybe you went through life unaffected. Either way, your project overview will significantly make more sense. In Project Overview, Current Schedule is now Current Capacity.
- Invoicing is difficult as is, so we thought, time registration should be easier- meet your new friend ‘Filter’! With Filter’s help, pulling out date ranges for the project progress, viewing actual costs and grouping into project roles or cards is much simpler. But of course, you can still see all time registrations, without filtering. As one might hope, it’s available in all categories in Insights.
- Are notifications flooding your inbox? No need for the delete button, we found a way to consolidate them. Now you have something to look forward to when you open your email account…fewer emails!
- How to change it?
- Go to My Profile, to change your Notification settings.
- Check if you would like to be notified to:
- Receive general updates
- Changes that occur in a Card
- The frequency of updates
- Totally over a project? We feel you, deleting a project is just one simple click. You can find it in your settings. It will, of course, ask you if you’re sure you want to delete the project- but with certainty, you can press ‘Delete.’
- Attention project managers! Do you like to check up on your team member's progress? In the Upcoming Work view, there is a filter for ‘view work for’ where you can view a person's upcoming cards. For people who like things in alphabetical order, the drop-down menu might have been a bit of an annoyance. We changed that. The names are now sorted alphabetically.
- In Scheduling, we added a weeks view. As you zoom in and out of the schedule, you will see Days → Weeks → Months. Really, it’s the more dapper option than the previous option- every third day.
Coming Soon
- I heard it through the grapevine that there’s a new feature coming soon. Rumor has it that there’s a possibility that multiple projects can be linked together. Hint, hint, this spiffy new option will include sharing workflows and sprint planning across projects. It’s still a secret, but if you want these features, you must say a spell incantation. *Or just contact us to find out more!* (But now’s your chance to show off your Harry Potter Charms knowledge).
January 2018
Newly launched squeaky clean features
- Have something to say? Writing a comment on Cards just became more stress-free. On the three-dot menu on the side, you can now choose to 'edit' or 'delete' your comment. Really, we wanted to save you the embarrassment around the office, ya know by being able to hide your spelling errors- just edit or delete your comments! You can even add an emoji, so you know exactly how your commenters are feeling.
- Have a lot of Cards this week? On the 'Upcoming Work' page, a new sorting and viewing option has arrived. Drumroll, please… Labels! On the right side of the Card, you will be able to see a color indicated the various labels. Who said labels were a bad thing?
- More visible buttons! Once again we strive for an uncomplicated process for your project needs. In a Card, under the ‘Files’ tab, simply click on the Google Drive logo to upload your file. The files are distinguishable from computer uploads with the visible Drive logo. Uploading your files at near lightning speed.
- Shortcuts, we know they’re there, but how do we use them? On the right corner of the platform you can click on the arrow, and a drop-down menu appears. Almost there… yes, the third option from the top is ‘Shortcuts.’ There you will find a list of exceptionally organized shortcuts that will make your click-life easier. We’re even tailoring to those who like their fingers to remain on the keyboard.
- Project Managers rejoice! That one boss who LOVES getting updates up the wazoo is now sitting pretty. In the Overview of a project, a description can be added to the Project Status. This is particularly helpful if you like to sort by Status.
- Even more impressive, you can now view all your previous Project Status updates and descriptions. You can see this feature in the Project Overview, so if the project status is red you can explain why in the description field. The hammer of Thor will not come down today!
- Your Schedule- your terms, or so we like to think! As a Collaborator (team member) you can view your own Schedule in both the Allocations and Card view. No more pestering your PM’s for your schedule- you’ve got that on lock.
- A sublet change that will enhance your viewing of Milestones. The newly improved format allows you to see Milestone dates in chronological order. No more scrolling to the bottom- we aim to save your fingers that extra stress.
- Start of the week is updated! Depending on your country settings, the beginning of the work week is now coinciding. Those of you who have to work in the US or Israel have the flexibility of viewing your schedule from Sunday-Saturday. Lucky you!
- Gone are the days of hunting in the settings to find vital details on your project. The Overview page lets you exclusively see the project dates and the stage of the project.
- The hover got you down? In the Time view, your Cards will no longer cause an inexplicable level of irritation. This eyesore hover feature leading to the click-of-nowhere-land is- resolved.
December 2017
- New project overview page
- This is now the default view for managers and upwards
- New insight budget component in Projects, Business and Portfolio
- New business insight component: Hours registered
- Extension of the JIRA integration to support both JIRA Cloud and JIRA Server
- Projects without start- and end dates are now shown in project scheduling as well
- Deactivated users are now removed from the Time page
- New free text search in the Upcoming work view
- Major performance improvement in scheduling
- Smaller performance improvements
- Minor visual changes, and bug fixes
November 2017
- New improved project scheduling
- Read more
- New permission level: Client
- New permission level makes you able to add your client to one or several projects. The client will only be able to see the projects and cards you assign them to, and thereafter add cards, report problems (or bugs), submit new requests, comment on cards, etc. Learn more
- Timers and time entries do now round up
- Expense items are now included in the budget graph
- Non-project time is now included in the heat map on card scheduling
- Done cards are now hidden in card scheduling
- Heat map in people scheduling now calculates per week (i.e. 37 / 40 hours)
- More Public API endpoints live
- Timeline can be added to an insight and shared
- New onboarding flow for introduction of new users
- e-conomic integration: Time registrations can now be sent directly from the 'Time'-page
- Minor visual changes and bug fixes
October 2017
- Completely new automated budget
- Project scheduling (Timeline): Our Gantt-chart for your projects
- + Keep your clients updated by sharing the Project Timeline
- People scheduling combined into one view
- e-conomic integration
- Lets you connect and sync your Forecast projects to the e-conomic accounting system
- Project settings page has been simplified, and info icons has been added for tooltips about each setting.
- Updates to the project timeline
- Support for Internet Explorer 11
- When English (US) is chosen as language: Weeks are now shown as beginning on a Sunday.
- Now possible to open cards from Budget and Card list in Insights
- Project Timeline now remembers your chosen filters
- Visual update to Workflow
- New insight component: Card delay
- Export scheduling with allocations to .CSV file
- Decimals in rates and costs
- Description to budget fields for instant help
- New loaders indicating wait time
- Updated time registration reminders
- Updated demo data
- Bug fixes and minor changes
September 2017
- Project Gantt-chart / Timeline
- Timer to track your time
- Synchronised in real-time between both web and mobile apps
- Insight component: Utilization bar chart (Portfolio)
- Insight component: Cumulative flow (Project)
- Minor updates to the Upcoming view
- TimeLog integration
- Google Drive integration
- Link files in Google Drive to cards and projects
- Project contact person
- People assigned to a project can now be marked as the contact person for the project
- Card scheduling update with heat map by week
- Time registrations can now be billable or non-billable
- Can also be configured per project basis in project settings
- Scheduling: You can now jump to Today or a specific date
- New avatars 🙌
- Harvest integration: You can now exclude certain tasks in Harvest, and will thus not be available in Forecast
- Zapier integration has been updated to make the installation process easier
- Many smaller bug fixes, and some interface tweaks
- Basic documentation of the Forecast API, which is coming up!
August 2017
- Card scheduling
- JIRA is now fully integrated with Forecast
- Slack makes you able to get notified in your team channels whenever important stuff happens
- Google Calendar is now integrated to bring you a great overview of your schedule directly in your calendar
- Insights sharing
- New insight components
- Cost per person added
- CSV export of insights list and budget
- Support of screens down to 1280x800 resolution
- Major design tweaks and feature updates
- Various bug fixes
July 2017
- Mobile app released for both Android and iOS
- New insight components: People list (project), People list (portfolio), Client list (portfolio)
- Filters on Workflow are now remembered
- Major and minor interface updates and tweaks
- Various bug fixes
June 2017
- Quick booking
- Helps you book the right people for your task or project, while at the same time taking workload into account.
- Zapier integration
- Trello integration (import data)
- New insight component: Sprint list
- Comply design with Google Material Design
- Workflow now remembers which columns are open or closed
- Danish translation
- Updated timezone settings
- Improved calculations: Remaining, forecast, percent done, scope, and completion percent
- Weekly notification emails: "Missing time reporting", "Project digest"
- Trial changed to 14 days with a countdown at the top
- Interface updates and tweaks
- Various bug fixes
May 2017
- First version of the Scheduling feature
- Insights builder
- Default set of labels for all new users
- Option to change currency
- Optional email notifications: create project, new project status, mentions, assigned to card/project, card updates
- Shortcuts for bold, italic and underlined text in rich text editor
- Updated permission levels
- Interface updates and tweaks
- Various bug fixes
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