Severity Definitions
While we aim to resolve all requests within a timely manner, we use severity levels to differentiate critical issues from general product questions, in order to respond appropriately to each request.
Based on the nature of the request, the Customer shall reasonably self-diagnose each issue and suggest an appropriate Severity, whenever submitting a ticket to Forecast Support through the Customer Center.
Forecast, in partnership with the Customer, shall validate the severity level of the request or notify of a proposed change in severity where deemed necessary, based on the framework below.
The severity level is determined when the ticket is initially created and may be raised or lowered at any time.
Overview of Severity Definitions
Severity 1 - Critical
Definition: The Service is unavailable. No workaround exists.
Severity 2 - Major
Definition: An issue with a major function or feature not operating or seriously impaired, where a temporary workaround exists or operations can continue in a restricted fashion. Issue prevents customers from completing one of more critical business processes with a significant impact on business operations.
Severity 3 - Minor
Definition: Partial, non-critical loss of use of service with a moderate impact on business processes. Product or service is operational, but does not provide a function in the most convenient or expeditious manner, or results in cosmetic or isolated errors.
Severity 4 - General
Definition: A low or no business impact issue, where there is no critical time constraint or no loss of service, including errors in the self-service documentation. This is also the severity level for non-system issues and general usage questions, such as product configuration and functionality, account changes, general service inquiries.
Overview of Forecast Support Response Times
Forecast' Support target ‘First Response' times are based on the initial Severity level of the case and are applied on all cases. While we aim to resolve all requests within a timely manner, we use severity levels to differentiate critical issues from general product questions, in order to respond appropriately to each request. Below an overview of Forecast First Response targets that we aim towards, based on the severity of the case.
Note: All First Response times targets are in business hours, with exception of First Response for Severity 1 cases (calendar hours)
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