When creating a new project you can associate it with a specific rate card to define your project work rates and estimate cost. In case of uncertainty regarding which rate card to assign to your project, this can always be done later on from the project settings. See Configuring your rate cards to learn more about how to create them from scratch.
The ability to create and edit rate cards is only available for the Core, Pro and Plus plans only. Customers with the Lite plan may only add a blended rate per project.
This article covers:
Adding a rate card to a project (Core, Pro and Plus only)
You can directly associate a rate card to a new project while creating the project. However, you can also select the rate card later on, once you have confirmed your rates.
To add a rate card when creating a project
- Click Create in the top bar.
- Select Project from the dropdown.
- Complete the fields with the details of the project.
- Scroll down to Budget Type.
- Set the budget type for the project.
- In the dropdown, 'Select Rate Card' select the rate card you'd like to use in your new project.
- Click Save and Continue.
Changing the project rate card (Core, Pro and Plus only)
If for some reason the initial rate card you chose for your project is incorrect or the rates don't apply anymore, you can easily change your rate cards from the project settings. This new specific rate is immediately attached to your project and will be reflected in the budget as planned revenue and actual revenue (when resources register hours).
To change a rate card in a project
- Click Projects in the top bar.
- Select All Projects from the dropdown.
- Click on the project that you'd like to change.
- Expand the left side panel and click Settings.
- Click Financials.
- Click the dropdown menu under 'Rate Card'.
- Select the new rate card.
If a rate card is not chosen for a project then it will not be possible for the project to reflect any revenue at all.
Adding a blended rate per project (Lite only)
As mentioned earlier, customers with the Lite plan cannot create rate cards for their account. They can only add a blended rate to each project which will then be used as one of the financial basis for that project.
To add a blended rate per project
- Click Projects on the top bar.
- Select All Projects from the dropdown.
- Select a billable project.
- Expand the left side panel and click Settings.
- Click Financials.
- From the Financials page, click on the Rates & internal cost tab.
- Under the cost and rates area, click on Edit.
- Click on the field under Rate and add a value.
That value will now be the blended rate for that project on which revenue calculations will be based.
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