Forecast provides AI based task management helpers for tasks, to assist you in deciding what roles, assignees, labels, and estimates are suitable for a task based on previous data used.
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The Task management suggestions model considers the following properties of your tasks when making an estimate:
- Task
- Project
- Previously assigned person role
- Status column (estimates only)
- Person who created it (estimates only)
- Time of creation (estimates only)
- Previous person role (estimates only)
- Deadline (estimates only)
- Minutes registered (estimates only)
- Current estimate (estimates only)
Based on this, the system will suggest the appropriate role, assignee, labels or task estimates.
Suggested roles
Suggested roles are displayed in the Task modal. When clicking on the role field of a task, suggested roles will be displayed at the bottom of the drop-down list under Suggestions. Forecast will suggest roles based on previous data used on similar tasks.
Suggested assignees
Suggested assignees are displayed in the Task modal. When clicking on the assignee field of a task, suggested assignees will be displayed at the bottom of the drop-down list under Assignees. Forecast will suggest roles based on previous data used on similar tasks.
Suggested estimates
This feature is currently only available in "multi-select mode" and works for time estimations, not Story points estimation. It may take some time to understand and learn the estimates of your tasks, so the more accurate your estimate is, the more accurate this feature becomes.
To view suggested task estimates
- Select a few tasks
- Click on "Automate"
- Click on Add work estimates
- Review suggested estimates and click "Apply" or "Cancel"
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